The powerful families that are behind the NWO have a history going back to the late 1700's when the Illuminati was created and way beyond
that with the secret societies that are involved. The Knights Templars were created in King Soloman's time. There is a lot of history on their
misdeeds over the years but to fast forward a few thousand years they were ran out of France and became the Freemasons. A lot of our founding
fathers were freemasons. I believe most were lower level and did not understand what they were following.
There is a lot of fascinating history on this that is easily researchable. The Rothschild banking dynasty was created in the late 1700's. They created
central banks throughout Europe. They have instigated and financed both sides of most major wars since. They have been the bankers for the Vatican since the 1700's.
Lincoln was killed by the "Power That Be" after the civil war, they wanted the south to be punished severly and Lincoln wanted us to be reunited.
After he was killed his vice president Andrew Johnson was sworn in as president. As a lower level mason he was given initiation rituals while in the white house to make him a 33rd degree mason. He then sprung his masonic superior (Albert Pike) from prison who was a confederate general and
grand master of the Scottish Rite. Albert Pike is also thought to be one of the founders of the KKK.
Captain Morgan was an American naval hero. He was a freemason. He realized what is was after a while and left. He wrote a book about them and disclosed a lot of their secrets. They killed him for it.
I could write a book here on this but this is some of the earlier history on the entities and families that thru their bloodlines are the powers that be
of the NWO.
I will write more later.